Sansevieria Fernwood – Snake Plant Care

Sansevieria Fernwood is a pretty popular but frequently miscategorized plant. This species is often confused with Sansevieria Bacularis. Bacularis and Fernwood can look similar in the pictures, especially in case of the smaller plants. But when they grow up, the difference is noticeable. Bacularis has a sparser and taller foliage, and unlike Fernwood the leaves are upright, cylindrical and have no longitudinal ribs. (source: Same is the case with Sansevieria Cylindrica, which is also recognized by it’s cylindrical leaves. However, Fernwood has concave channeled leaves and it is not a cultivar of Sansevieria Cylindrica. Sansevieria Fernwood is in fact a hybrid of Sansevieria Parva and Sansevieria Suffruticosa. It was developed by Rogers Weld of Fernwood Nursery in California. And it is commonly sold under the trade names Sansevieria Mikado, Fernwood Punk or Fernwood Mikado. The terms Mikado and Musica seems to be associated with both Bacularis and Fernwood. Musica usually refers to the normal length variety, and Mikado is a compact hybrid.

Also Known As

Fernwood Punk, Sansevieria Fernwood Mikado, Fernwood Mikado, Sansevieria Mikado.

At A Glance



This plant is a hybrid of S.Parva (Kenya, Madagascar, south Asia) and S. Suffruticosa (eastern Africa). It was developed in a nursery in USA.


The ultimate height of Fernwood Mikado can be approximately 3 feet.


This plant has a dense and evergreen foliage. The thin, green leaves have pale greenish horizontal bands that are typical in sansevierias. Although each leaf appear to be cylindrical, it has a vertical groove starting from the base to the top. The fountain-like shape is a result of numerous arching leaves.


The Fernwood plant might flower on rare occasions. It usually happens once a year. A long flower stalk rising from the base may have clusters of small, white flowers.


Mildly toxic if ingested. Keep away from children and animals. Consumption can cause gastrointestinal problems like vomiting, diarrhea etc.

Growth Season

It is a slow-growing, evergreen plant. actively grows during the spring to summer season.


Like many Sansevierias, it is less likely to be infested by pests. Keep the leaves clean to avoid spider mites and mealybugs.


This plant is easily propagated by division. Leaf cuttings can also be grown into actual plants.

Growing Conditions


This drought-tolerant plant can survive on low water. It can go for 1-2 weeks without water. In the winter season, you can water it once a month. Make sure the soil gets dry before each watering


It can tolerate anything from the full sun to low light conditions. But avoid direct sun on hot afternoons. Moderate to bright indirect light is the best.


Well-draining and sandy soil is great for most Sansevieria plants. You can use regular soil and perlite in equal proportions. Potting mix for succulents can also be used.


S. Fernwood is a great choice for indoors. Temperature between 60-75°F (15-23°C) works great for this plant. It can survive as low as 45°F for some period. Remember to keep the soil dry during winters. No extra humidity required.

Learn More About Care And Propagation Of Sansevierias