Everything About Sansevieria Metallica – Snake Plant Care

Sansevieria Metallica is a one of the less common types of Sansevieria. The name usually refers to a silver-leafed variety called “Siam silver” or “Tenzan”. This plant produces pale green leaves with numerous fine grayish lines along the length. This Mother in laws tongue plant is very rare. Like most Sansevieria, it is a stemless flowering succulent. It is believed to act as a natural air purifier by removing toxins from the air. Sansevieria Metallica makes a great indoor ornamental plant. It can also be grown outdoors in warmer climates. It’s a great plant for beginners, requiring very little maintenance. Sansevieria Metallica belongs to the genus Dracaena (formarly Sansevieria) from the family Asparagaceae

Also Known As

Sansevieria Metallica Siam Silver, Sansevieria Metallica Tenzan, Sansevieria Manolin, Sansevieria Guineensis Manolin.

At A Glance



Sansevieria Metallica is native to tropical Africa.


The ultimate height of the plant is about 2-3 feet (60-90 cm) when grown under ideal conditions. Potted plants may reach the height of 2 feet. Flower stalks can also reach the same height as the plant.


This species has a beautiful foliage with silvery metallic color. The leaves are long, sword-shaped, stiff and bend a little as they grow. They have a vertical striping pattern of grey or grayish green bands of varying widths. Faint horizontal bands of light green cross through the grey vertical bands. Edges of the leaves are hardened, reddish and slightly wavy.


On rare occasions, this plant produces a vertical flower spike covered in small buds. The flowers grow in clusters on the top one third of the spike. They are small, greenish white, ovoid shaped with sweet fragrance. Fruits are small reddish orange berries.


Like all Sansevieria, this cultivar can be mildly toxic for humans and animals. If consumed in large amounts, it can cause symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, nausea etc.

Growth Season

Being a Sansevieria, it grows best in warmer seasons. The active growth period of this evergreen plant is during the spring to summer. Flowering usually happens in late winter or in the spring.


S. Metallica is generally not susceptible to pests and diseases. It has high tolerance to most common houseplant disease. However, it may be prone to overwatering problems if the soil is not fast-draining. In case you find your plant attacked by spider mites or mealybugs, wipe them off using rubbing alcohol.


You can create new plants by vegetative propagation. It can be planted from the rhizomes or by dividing the root-ball. For dividing your plant, dig it out gently and clean the roots. Separate each rosette and plant them in moist soil. Leaf cuttings are also a good option. Rooted cuttings take about 3-4 months to grow into a new plant.

Growing Conditions


S. Metallica is a very drought-tolerant cultivar. No frequent watering is required for this plant. You can water just once in 10 days in the growing season. Reduce the watering in winter to once a month. Let the 1-1.5 inch top soil dry out before each watering. Don't allow the roots to be in standing water for too long, especially during winters. Overwatering will cause root rot.


This plant can tolerate anything from bright to low light conditions. It has high adaptability to outdoor and indoor conditions. However, moderate to bright natural light is great for plant growth. Too much direct sunlight might be overly harsh for the plant.


Well-draining and gritty soil is great for most plants in the Sansevieria group. You can use a regular potting mix made for cacti and succulents. For making your own potting mix, add pumice, coco coir or perlite in regular soil. The proportion of pure soil should not exceed 50% of the mix. This plant can grow in any kind of soil as long as it drains water freely.


This plant is happy with average humidity and temperature. An ideal temperature can be anywhere between 60-85°F (16-29°C). It can survive cold weather if the roots are kept dry. But frosting can damage the leaves and it's better to avoid temperatures below 40°F (4°C).

Learn More About Care And Propagation Of Sansevierias