Everything About Sansevieria Parva You Should Know
Also Known As
At A Glance
The plant is native to eastern Africa. It is specifically found in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. In Kenya, farmers use this species as a fodder.
It is a relatively smaller plant that grows to around 1-1.5 feet. The spread of this plant can be up to 1 foot. The leaves are about an inch wide. Flower stalks are maximum 2 feet tall.
S. Parva has lance-shaped, narrow, slightly concave leaves that spread out like a fountain. Lengthwise they are folded a bit and get tapered towards the end. Young leaves are bright green with pale-green horizontal bands. As they become mature, the bands disappear to result in deep green plain leaves. A narrow green border is present to cover these smooth, flat leaves.
The plant produces vertical flower stalks covered in bunches of small buds. This may happen annually. The flowers are small, tubular-shaped and creamy-white in color. Apex can be pinkish-brown. They exude a pleasant scent of hyacinth at night.
All parts of the plant are mildly toxic if ingested. Keep away from pets and children. Consumption can cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea etc.
Growth Season
This evergreen plant actively grows during the spring to summer season. Flowering usually happens in late winter or in the spring.
This plant is generally less likely to be infested by pests. Although it might get attacked by mealybugs or spider mites. Keep the leaves clean and water-free to avoid any damage.
Propagation is possible by plant division, leaf cuttings or planting rhizomes. When using leaf cuttings, take at least 3-4 inches sections and plant them upright in soil.
Growing Conditions
No frequent watering is required for this plant. Water once every other week in the growing season, and once a month during winters. Don't let the soil remain wet for long, especially during winters.
It can tolerate anything from the full sun to light shade conditions. Bright indirect sunlight is ideal. For outdoor plants, select a shaded area to protect them from harsh afternoon sun.
Well-draining and sandy soil is great for this plant. Mix sand, perlite or peat in a regular or garden soil. You can also use potting mix for succulents. Make sure that the soil drains water freely.
The average room temperature and humidity works great for this plant. It is hardy to even 50°F (10°C), if kept dry. Higher temperatures are usually well tolerated. However, avoid frost and extremely low temperatures.