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Indoor Snake Plant Placement: Is It Beneficial or Beware?

The snake plant is quite familiar to everyone, but not everyone can know and understand this plant clearly. So what is the meaning of the snake plant? Should snake plant be placed in the house? 

1. What kind of tree is the snake plant?

The snake plant is also known by other names as the tiger plant and tiger’s tail, its scientific name is Sansevieria trifasciata, belongs to the Asparagus family, has a height of 50 to 60cm. The tree’s trunk is flat, succulent, and looks a bit sharp and dangerous, but the trunk is very soft and doesn’t cut your hand when you touch it.

On the tree trunk there are two colors of green and yellow leaves along from the base to the top. When flowering, the snake plant blooms in clusters, grows from the base up and has round fruits. Not everyone knows that snake tongue is a plant originating from the tropics, there are up to 70 different species such as tiger tongue plant, Thai snake plant, green snake tongue… And the most popular today is the tiger tongue plant. Thai tiger tongue and Tiger tongue.

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2. What is the feng shui meaning of the snake plant?

In feng shui, the snake plant has a good effect in exorcising, driving away demons and fighting off unlucky things in life. Leaves growing upright represent people’s determination and will to move forward. With its majestic appearance from trunk to top, the tree is a symbol of authority and family fame.

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The snake plant has good feng shui significance

Snake flowers bring elegant beauty with great feng shui ideas. According to ancient beliefs, if those who grow snake plants take care of them and produce flowers, they will have good luck for the year, not only in life but also bring many advantages in work and finances.

To promote the feng shui effect, we should find a suitable location for the tree. A good location will help us have luck and be more favorable in work and life.

3. Should snake plant be placed in the house? 

If you are wondering whether you should place a snake plant in your home, the answer is yes.

As mentioned above, the snake plant is a very prosperous feng shui plant. Snake plants are often placed in balconies, living rooms, and bedrooms. This helps improve feng shui in the house. 

However, snake plants have some taboos in feng shui, so do not place them in these places.

Locations where snake plant should be placed in the house

The best place to place the snake plant in the house is the living room, where there is good ventilation. The snake plant is suitable to be placed right next to the TV shelf in the living room, or the sofa, or right on both sides of the entrance door, which is also a way to ward off bad things and bring good luck to the family. 

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The most suitable location to place the snake plant in the house is the living room

You can also place the snake plant in the bedroom. Because plants also have the ability to remove toxic gases such as cigarette smoke and nitrogen oxides, which is very beneficial for providing more oxygen for human breathing.

The balcony is also a great place to place a snake plant indoors. In feng shui, the balcony is the best place to store chi. Placing the snake plant here, you can turn the happiness of the whole house into wealth and luck. However, if the balcony faces the road, landfill or hospital, good feng shui will turn into bad feng shui.

Locations where snake plant should not be placed in the house

You should not place the snake plant in the bathroom because this area is often dark and damp, containing a lot of dirt, this is a taboo for the snake plant. It is a lucky plant, dark and damp bathrooms are not conducive to its growth, easily causing roots to rot and mold. 

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Avoid placing snake plants in bathrooms and doorways

Doors are also a taboo location for snake plants. In feng shui, the snake plant is a lucky plant. Placing the snake plant at the door can easily attract all the wealth and luck to the door, preventing this flow of luck from entering the house. If this goes on for a long time, the family’s assets will soon decline. Remember not to place the snake plant in this position, nor to place it opposite the door, because it will block the way of money entering the door, causing more benefits than losses.

4. Notes when growing snake plants indoors 

When growing snake plants indoors, you need to pay attention to the following issues:

Light: Tiger tongue prefers hot, dry climates and has poor tolerance to cold. The plant tolerates direct sunlight, but will thrive indoors or in full shade.

Soil: The plant can be grown in all types of soil from good soil to arid soil, including sandy and gravelly soil. Soil for planting snake’s tongue should have high alkalinity.

Watering: Tiger’s tongue is extremely drought tolerant, do not water too much because the plant tolerates waterlogging very poorly. In winter weather, you can water once a month. Dry summers are more intense but also much less than other crop varieties, about once a week.

Fertilizer: Snake plant has the ability to grow strongly, has average nutritional needs, it’s okay to fertilize it every few months, but avoid fertilizing in the cold season, when the plant absorbs it poorly.

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Things to keep in mind when growing snake plants indoors

The snake plant is very easy to grow and care for, and does not require too much technique. Therefore, you will not have to spend much time and effort with this plant when growing it indoors.

5. What destiny is the snake plant suitable for? What age?

The snake plant is green with yellow edges and these are all colors that symbolize the Earth and Metal elements. Therefore, the snake plant will help these two destiny have good fortune, do everything smoothly and achieve success. 

When choosing to grow snake plants indoors, you need to choose the size of the plant appropriate to the space and place the plant in the south direction.

In addition, according to feng shui, the snake plant will be suitable for the following years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

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The snake plant is suitable for people with Earth element and Metal element

Above is basic information about snake plant and notes when growing snake plant indoors. Hopefully you have received useful information to apply snake plant cultivation to your family.